Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011 Mazes: Jump, Car, X-Ray, and Doctor Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

J is for Jump Maze
volley ball jump maze yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Jump Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source for Jump Maze

Top Ten List of where to download the Jump Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Jump Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Jump Maze on Flickr
  3. Jump Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Jump Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Jump Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. Jump Maze on Live Journal
  7. Jump maze on photobucket
  8. Jump Maze on Twitpic
  9. Jump Maze on Devian Art
  10. Jump Maze on Facebook

C is for Car Maze
car maze by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Car Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter C for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source for Car Maze
Top Ten List of where to download the Car Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Car Maze on Flickr
  2. Car Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Car Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Car Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Car Maze ecard on 123 Greetings - Drive Safely
  6. Car Maze on Live Journal
  7. Car maze on photobucket
  8. Car Maze on Twitpic
  9. Car Maze on Devian Art
  10. Car Maze on Facebook

X is for X-Ray Maze
x ray maze art
Click for Maze Solution of X-Ray Maze
Maze of a chest X-ray. The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter X for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source for X-Ray Maze
Top Ten List of other places you can download the X-Ray Maze by Yonatan Frimer other than this site:
  1. X-Ray Maze on Flickr
  2. X-Ray Maze on Fine Art America
  3. X-Ray Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. X-Ray Maze on Picasa
  5. Send X-Ray Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. X-Ray Maze on Live Journal
  7. X-Ray maze on photobucket
  8. X-Ray Maze on Twitpic
  9. X-Ray Maze on Devian Art
  10. X-Ray Maze on Facebook, feel free to friend the artist

D is for Doctor Maze
Doctor Maze Art
Click for Maze Solution of Doctor Maze
Maze of a doctor with a tongue depressor about to ask a patient to say "AAAhHHH". The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter D for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.
Source For Doctor Maze by Yonatan Frimer
You can also find The Doctor Maze online at these links:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fish and Volcano Mazes, For the Learn To A Maze Book by Yonatan Frimer

F is for Fish Maze
Maze of a fish for the letter F

Click for Maze Solution of Fish Maze
Maze of a tropical fish. The brave swimmers of our planet's waters. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows. This maze goes with the maze of the letter F for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:

Sell Art Online

V is for Volcano Maze
Yonatan Frimer Maze of the Volcano

Click for Maze Solution of Maze of the Volcano
Maze of an erupting volcano, with magma and lava forming the walls of the maze. The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter V for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:
Sell Art Online

maze, volcano, fish, mazes, volcano maze, fish maze, art, maze art, puzzle, fun, letter v, letter f, tropical fish, fish mazes, volcano maze art, puzzle fun, yonatan, frimer, yonatan frimer, yfrimer

Monday, January 10, 2011

i is for igloo maze, by Yonatan Frimer

I is for Igloo Maze
Igloo Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Igloo Maze
Maze of an Igloo, the houses made of snow bricks that the eskimos make. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter i for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze blog source for this post

O is for Ostrich Maze by Yonatan Frimer

O is for Ostrich Maze
Ostrich Maze

Click for Maze Solution of Ostrich Maze
Maze of an ostrich, a very big flightless bird that is the largest bird in the world and is larger than an average human. The entrance of the maze is in the upper left corner, and the exit is in the lower right corner of the maze. This maze goes with the maze of the letter O for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source page for this maze of an ostrich

Yonatan Frimer Maze art on Flickr
Maze art prints for sale by Yonatan Frimer
Maze blog

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding Maze - Bride and Groom Maze portrait of Yasha And Ayala Harari, Created by Yonatan Frimer

Wedding Maze Portait of Bride & Groom
bride and groom maze by Yonatan Frimer

Click for Maze Solution of Bride and Groom Wedding Maze
Maze portrait of Yasha Harari as the groom and Ayala Cutzu-Harari as the bride. Good friends of mine who got married in early January 2011. I had made a small wage beer bet a few weeks prior to the wedding and made this portrait to settle the gamble I took. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. HINT FOR THE MAZE SOLUTION: The path for the maze solution runs across both their hearts.
Created by Yonatan Frimer

You can also view this maze at he following source:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maze art of the numbers three, five, six and nine, all in the form of mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Number Three (3) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number three (3)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Three (3) Maze
Maze of the number three (3) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book "Learn To A Maze" which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number Nine (9) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number nine (9)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Nine (9) Maze
Maze of the number nine (9) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book "Learn To A Maze" which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number Five (5) Maze
Yonatan Frimer maze of the number five (5)

Click for Maze Solution of Number Five (5) Maze
Maze of the number Five (5) for the maze learning book "Learn To A Maze". Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Number Six (6) Maze
Number Six (6) Maze
Click for Maze Solution of Number Six (6) Maze
Maze of the number Six (6) for the maze learning book "Learn To A Maze". Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer